Hilary Moon
Admin2018-04-03T21:32:38+00:00Practicing as a Certified Hypnotherapist and Past Life Therapist, Hilary has witnessed the toll that a lack of forgiveness takes on the Human Energy System, it’s biochemistry and ultimately Physical Health.
Practicing as a Certified Hypnotherapist and Past Life Therapist, Hilary has witnessed the toll that a lack of forgiveness takes on the Human Energy System, it’s biochemistry and ultimately Physical Health.
Margaret Godson & Susan give a Breakout Session on How EFT Changes Us.
Pamela Dietrich is an RN, MScN and Brown Belt Nia Practitioner. She has 30 years experience as a Registered Nurse and says that she enjoys what Nia does for her body, mind, spirit and emotions.
Mona Meyer, Ph.D., is a Cancer Researcher turned Cancer Coach. As a certified EFT practitioner and Professional Cancer Coach, she integrates her versatile knowledge and techniques, to support cancer patients and their families through their cancer journey.
Linda is a RECE, RT and Advanced EFT Practitioner. Linda has worked with children for over 35 years. Rachel has a Master's of Social Work and is a CAPC Parent Education Facilitator & EFT Facilitator.
Kelly is a transformational coach, AAMET certified and accredited, advanced EFT practitioner, advanced Law of Attraction practitioner, and author.
Joan has a B.Ed. in Education and is a Community Liaison Specialist with 30 years of experience in education in the public-school system.
Gillian Stevens is the author of the book Explore|Transform|Flourish and will speak on the topic of her book "How Professionals Keep it Together" at the EFT Gathering Canada.
Donna has a life-time of experience working with children, teens and adults through careers in education and health care.
Nancy is a certified Life Coach and Accredited EFT Practitioner with AAMET, she is passionate about helping her clients release their negative beliefs and see the real potential already in them.