Donna Coulter - Speaker at EFT Gathering Canada

Donna Coulter

Donna has a life-time of experience working with children, teens and adults through careers in education and health care. She holds an Hons. BA, Psychology, B Ed. , an AAMET, EFT Practitioner Accreditation and brings her knowledge, compassion, and gentleness to those looking to heal their past and create personal change.

Since retiring from her teaching career, Donna created Nurture Your Vibe Energy Therapies and offers EFT sessions in-person and on-line. She also hosts self-care tapping workshops and shares her knowledge and passion for EFT at college, conferences, wellness seminars, retreats and health and wellness expos/fairs.

She loves how the emotional freedom from life’s baggage keeps her healthy, active and energized to enjoy all her favourite things. So when she’s not guiding and supporting clients in their quest for wellness, you’ll find her enjoying family, friends and fur babies, seasonal recreational activities, cottage time and travel. Life is good…very good!

Break-out Session:

Teeter-Totter Transitions – Tap your way through the ups and downs!

Donna’s personal experience with change and transition provides her with a wealth of experience, strategies and stories. Having changed careers, husbands, cities and most recently transitioned from employee to sole owner operator of a wellness business in a relatively new field, change has certainly brought opportunities to work through the ups and downs.

And she knows that changing those long-held subconscious beliefs and perception of ourselves can be challenging. Sinking into new roles and responsibilities often brings up self-doubt, fear, and even judgment of ourselves and by those whom we hope would be supportive.

So if you’re newer to EFT, transitioning to tapping in your personal and/or professional life, are feeling uncertain, a little fearful and hesitant, you’ll be in good company. Join me in this interactive break-out session, think-pair-share a challenge or two and practice a tapping strategy that helps shift some of those long-held beliefs and behaviours. Learn to ride the teeter-totter confidently.

Nurture Your Vibe Energy Therapies
Donna Coulter, EFT Practitioner
1496 Wellington St. E., 2nd Floor
Sault Ste. Marie ON P6A 2R1